Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Writing Center Idea/Repurposing Old Greeting Cards

Hi!  It has been a few weeks since I posted.  Life has been keeping me very busy.  I have missed blogging, so I am hoping to get back in the swing of things.

Today I have an easy writing center idea for you.  If you are like me you probably have several old greeting cards hanging around.  Don't toss them in the recycle bin just yet!  I have a fun way for you to repurpose them.  Cards with cute, funny, or interesting pictures on them can be great story starters for your students.  All you have to do is cut the words off the front of the card.  Here are a few examples of cards I decided to use.  I trimmed the cards so that all the wording was off. 


Next, glue a piece of card stock inside the greeting card to cover all the writing.  On the card stock I wrote words that students might need help spelling if they were writing a story about the picture on the cover.  You could also add story prompts on one side of the card and word spellings on the other.  I want to use the cards as story starters for creative writing so I opted to not use any prompts, but I could always add them later.  Here is a picture of the inside of some of the finished cards.

I hope you enjoy today's writing center idea!  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Adding a Pin It Button

I recently got a new blog design from the amazing Alicia at Dream Like Magic.  Love it!  After the install, I noticed that my "Pin It" button disappeared.  I just added it back today, so feel free to "Pin" away! 

I learned how to add the "Pin It" button from a great tutorial on Kevin & Amanda's blog.  You can find that post here.   I have found lots of other great tutorials and information on their blog.  Make sure you check out their great blog!